Software engineer, screenwriter, musician, horror enthusiast, amateur mixologist, dog person.

about me

Hi, I'm Mark.

By day, I'm a software engineer based in Second City, and I build applications for the web.

Outside of work, I've written award-winning screenplays, and I collaborate with friends to make music and films.

Yours truly.


8 years as a software engineer, working on web applications.

Download my resume, or feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile and Github account for a more complete picture of my background, and the kinds of projects I've worked on so far.


Senior Software Engineer (Remote)

  • Helped migrate email-based messaging system to real-time messaging platform, resulting in streamlined workflows across 100+ pilot users. React, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Express.js, NoSQL, Kafka, gRPC, Apollo GraphQL
  • Greatly mitigated legal risk by implementing React front-end messaging platform features and bug fixes
  • Orchestrated the development and deployment of a critical cross-team backend messaging feature, fixing a broken messaging workflow impacting 25% of all employer users
  • Served as on-call first responder on a rotating basis, resolving production issues, scaling AWS and MongoDB infrastructure, and improving Datadog application monitoring and alerting
typescript java kotlin react nodejs spring-boot apollo graphql aws datadog terraform


Software Engineer (Remote)

  • Contributed full stack features to external and internal Google Cloud Platform web applications using React, Angular, Node.js, Groovy, BigQuery, and Google Spanner DB
  • Drove a 90% improvement in API request times by tuning SQL queries, significantly enhancing system performance and overall responsiveness
  • Configured automated linting and code formatting for project, helping reduce noise in code reviews
typescript groovy react angular nodejs google-spanner gcp


Senior Full Stack Software Engineer (Remote)

  • Collaborated with product and design to build new features for web-based video editing application with React, Typescript, Redux, Node.js, Ruby, and MySQL
  • Implemented custom font upload and validation in a Node.js media processing pipeline
  • Increased conversions by 13% by planning and executing A/B testing for subscription tier pricing
javascript typescript ruby react redux nodejs rails mysql jest ansible


Senior Software Engineer, Web (Remote)

  • Improved Lighthouse performance scores for by 15% by optimizing webpack build output
  • Built and maintained keyword-rich data tables in single page application wtih 1M+ monthly users, boosting site in organic search result placement
javascript typescript react redux gatsby webpack jest

JP Morgan Chase

Senior Software Engineer (Houston, TX)

  • UI tech lead on development of internal CRM tools using OpenFin, React, Redux, and Spring Boot
  • Promoted coding standards and best practices across web teams, and mentored engineers
  • Increased code coverage to a 90% threshold by building automated testing infrastructure with Selenium for end-to-end testing, and Jest for UI unit testing
  • Standardized hiring process for frontend engineers and conducted interviews
  • Reduced delivery lead time from 60 days to 3 days or less by modernizing team's software development lifecycle
javascript typescript java react redux spring-boot create-react-app webpack jest jenkins

Software Engineer II (Houston, TX)

  • Increased sales team efficiency by 100+ hours per week by prototyping and delivering application rewrite
  • Coordinated with cross functional teams to plan and prioritize backlog
javascript react redux create-react-app jest jenkins

Stardog Union

Software Engineer (Remote)

  • Bootstrapped and developed a serverless React web-app, leveraging AWS for MFA, role and permission management, REST services, and database storage
  • Authored an open source Visual Studio Code extension for RDF syntax highlighting (55k+ installs)
javascript typescript react semantic-ui-react stylus express create-react-app jest enzyme circle-ci aws


Front-End Engineer (Remote)

  • Implemented new client-side architecture and build setup using React, Redux, and Webpack that enabled faster development and component reuse between client projects
  • Resolved 50% of documented UI bugs within a month of joining the team
javascript LESS react redux redux-saga express webpack ansible


Software Engineer (Houston, TX)

  • Worked closely with UX and Product teams to rebuild legacy sales analytics dashboards in React
  • Extracted common UI components into an internally-shared component library
  • Reduced average build time and CPU usage by 87.5% and 93% by optimizing Webpack builds
javascript java LESS ember-js react redux redux-saga express webpack docker


A game of nim in the browser, built with Phoenix LiveView.

code elixir tailwindcss phoenix-live-view phoenix fly


Online multiplayer Snake using WebSockets and vanilla JS.

code javascript html5-canvas socket-io

The classic game of luck and logic, but with the ability to design and share custom minefields. Node backend API deployed on Heroku, and a React single-page application deployed on Vercel.

code javascript react jest heroku vercel circle-ci postgresql express

A responsive React/Redux wedding RSVP program using Google’s Sheets API to turn a Google Drive spreadsheet into a free database. This project also needed to support i10n, since my wife’s family only speaks Spanish.

code javascript react redux i10n babel webpack google-sheets-api

JS web-based motion-sensing virtual drum kit. Built in 24 hrs. Won 2nd place at CodeRED MLH hackathon, Spring 2015.

code javascript LESS grunt socket-io


“Translates” user text input into tiled mosaics of randomly generated colors.

code ruby SASS erb yaml sinatra

contact me

Reach out to start a conversation about work or collaboration opportunities, or just to chat.